influence - breastfeeding

Ostetrico Accursio Marchese
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occurs by airborne transmission through saliva droplets carried by sneezing or coughing of infected persons, and by contact with infected objects or surfaces.

tips to limit transmission

Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water;
Use a handkerchief to place over your nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing;
Do not touch eyes, nose or mouth with uncleaned hands;
Air out your home environment;

if mom gets sick:

it is not necessary to suspend breastfeeding, the virus is not transmitted by breast milk;
remembering the mode of transmission, be careful not to cough or sneeze near the newborn and make use of protective mask;
if the mother is very debilitated, the father can use a breast pump to extract the milk and give it to the baby

if the newborn becomes ill:

the sick infant needs more fluids than the well condition, breast milk is the best fluid that can be given;
if the newborn is so debilitated that he/she is unable to latch on effectively to the breast, a breast pump can be used to extract breast milk and administer it to the newborn with a feeding bottle

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